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Approach that aims at self-knowledge and change of attitude towards life, through the development of Creative potential.

It seeks to combine the tools used in the traditional Coaching process with tools specifically aimed at the development of Creativity.

It can be used both for individual development and for personal development within Groups, Organizations and Institutions.

Provide a change of perspective, attitude and behavior in the lives of our customers, through the development of creative potential and self-knowledge.

Promote the transformation of people's lives through the development of creative potential.


Honesty and truth about the services provided. The benefits of training are clearly communicated in an ethical manner, providing specific results for clients.


Generosity and respect for life. Development takes place respecting each person's pace and capacity, reaching different levels of learning.


A cheerful and relaxed work and training environment, providing customers and employees with an experience that combines tranquility and fun with professionalism.


The provision of services occurs through care and affection for people, transmitting love in interpersonal relationships and passion for work.


Knowledge shared in a natural and relaxed way, providing a light and free environment for our customers.


Theoretical foundation and security in conducting information. Creativity and self-knowledge stimulated according to theoretical principles and reliable methodologies.


We seek to awaken boldness and attitude towards everyday situations. Our goal is not to conform, always seeking improvement, innovation and having the audacity to change.


We seek to offer our customers a harmonious and welcoming experience, in a light, beautiful, comfortable and safe environment.

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